Our technical staff is intimately familiar with the recognized industry reserves and resources definitions, specifically those set forth by (1) U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Regulation S-X Rule 4-10(a), (2) the 2018 Petroleum Resources Management System approved by the Society of Petroleum Engineers, and (3) the Society of Petroleum Evaluation Engineers (Calgary Chapter) and Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy & Petroleum (Petroleum Society). We employ deterministic methods to estimate reserves for most evaluations and also utilize stochastic methods to determine probabilistic estimates of reserves for many exploration studies, early field development projects, and large field developments.
Geological & Geophysical Services
Extensive experience with complex structural and stratigraphic fields throughout the world, including many with unconventional reservoirs such as fractured basement, tight gas, and coalbed methane.
Petrophysical Consulting
Experience in the evaluation of a wide range of complex lithology in clastic and carbonate reservoirs, including fractured reservoir analyses in clastic, carbonate, shale, and basement environments.
Reservoir Engineering
Experience in a range of reservoir engineering services including reserves determinations, reservoir simulation, material balance, production analysis, well test analysis, and wellbore inflow/outflow modeling.
Economic Analysis
Our in-house proprietary economics system and industry-standard software are used to estimate future producing rates, future net revenue, and the present value of such future net revenue in accordance with industry standards.